48 Days of Efficiency: The Experiment – Part 2

The Process

Step Two: Refocusing & Planning

During my process of slowing down and re-centering I’ve also been thinking about how to move forward in all aspects of my life.  Including how to move forward with my business, my health, all the way down to where I live and why.  In doing so I have created a plan.  An action plan.

However, for now the specifics of this plan aren’t as important as the process.  And the process of carrying out my plan has to do with its structure and execution.  Essentially I’m creating a set of rules for myself to create a space and time from with to work or carry out my plan within.

A Structure from with to Execute a Plan

Here is the structure for my plan of moving towards becoming more energy efficient in my life and my business:

1.)   For the first time in well over 10 years I am going to get up at the exact same time every single day for 48 days in a row.

2.)   For the first time in my entire life – I am going to go to bed at the exact same time every single night for the next 48 days in a row.

3.)   I am going to eat breakfast and dinner at the exact same time for the next 48 days in a row.

The underling idea or goal behind doing these first 3 steps is to create a rigid frame to work within, or in other words – I have the exact same amount of time everyday to use my energy.  No more staying up all night to work on something only to sleep half of the next day away.  And no more not eating anything for breakfast because I had a bunch of morning meetings and didn’t get up early enough to eat. etc. etc.

I am not a morning person. And I never have been.  Mornings are my Jedi kryptonite.  However, for the purposes of this experiment in efficiency I am going to set a reasonably early (for me) time to wake up each morning.

Over the last few weeks I have read a number of different thoughts on how getting up early lends itself to being generally more productive.  And I have generally stated throughout my life that I am way more productive at night.  But, I am willing to see if there is some magical thing I have been missing all these years and to test this theory out for myself.

I recently read two blog posts by Leo Babauta titled: How I Became an Early Riser & My Morning Routine.  Both of these posts made a lot of sense to me and are a part of my new ‘structure’ from which I will be executing my new plan towards efficiency in my life and business.