2013 – My Year In Photographs – Part VI: Texas

In December I got a chance to get back to Austin, TX.  I lived in Austin 8 years ago and haven’t been back for 7 years.  It was a much needed trip to visit the friends I’ve missed.  The town has changed more than I could have imagined, but it was wonderful to see all my friends doing so well.  The trip was amazing.

My friends and brothers Jon and Jeff Ray made a movie this year and it premiered while I was down there so I got to see it on the big screen!  It was awesome!

Me, Jeff, Jon, and Dusty.  The original gang back together!

And a brit!

Inside the theater on opening night!

Jeff and Jon doing a Q and A before the show.

Natalie and Leanne Stott chilling at the Driskell before the show.

My bro Nate rocking it out at a Christmas party.

Classic texas… on the walls at the BBQ.

Texas does at least one thing right.

Inside my buddy Nate’s airstream guesthouse after a night of hard drinking.  Whoot!

Killer pad.

Love Balls!

Spyderhouse Coffeeshop still the same!

Nate’s adorable kiddios.

Nate bossman.  Representing one of Austin’s largest pedicab operations.

Breakfasting it up!!

Natalie’s alter of love!